Sunday 31 October 2021

Do you think Social media is good for young people?

Name : Adelya Shalsa Putri

Class: XII Social 1

Room : 12

Do you think Social Media is good for young people?

   Social media has given young people the ability to instantly connect with others and share their lives through photos, videos or status updates. Young people describe these platforms as a key tool for connecting and maintaining relationships, being creative, and learning more about the world.

    Social media can connect young people to online global communities based on shared interests. These might be support networks (for example), for young people with disability or medical conditions, LGBTQI teenagers, or children from particular cultural backgrounds. Or they might be sites for commenting on and sharing content about particular interests like games, TV series, music or hobbies.

   Young people use social media to have fun, make and maintain friendships, share interests, explore identities and develop relationships with family. It’s an extension of their offline and face-to-face interactions. For older teenagers especially, it’s often a key part of how they connect with friends on school.

   That are also have a negative effects of social media on young people is anxiety, we are more curious about knowing what other people are doing rather than spending time for ourselves. Those who spend more time on social media become victims of depression and anxiety because it adversely affects the thought processes and mood and then so many cyberbullying, a cyberbullying is the use of social media to communicate false, embarrassing, or hostile information to specific users. Among the major effects of social media, cyberbullying is an evil that has become such an atypical today. Victims of prolonged cyber-bullying often end up with psychosocial problems like depression, isolation, loneliness, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, and some even become suicidal.

Wednesday 14 October 2020


                        NICO's WEG

Nico's weg is a film series/series for who want to learning deutch (jerman). In this series , there is a man named Nico who lost his bag while he at the airport. The man from Spain. So he can only speak Spanish. Nico's aunt lives in Germany , so he came to Germany to visit his Aunt. But when Nico arrived on airport , he lost his bag , including his phone , until he was soooo confused. All because of Nico , he lost his whole bag because his bag was left in the taxi and the taxi was driven away. And Nico cant remember where is his Aunt address. In the big city no one can help him , but after that , there are a girl and a women can help him for anything. First he speak English to the girl and women , but he also learning deutch very nice. For that he could talk to the two women to be able to help him.

The series does not have Indonesian subtitles , so we only listening and reading Germany. By watching this series , we can also learn what words we dont know and improve the Germany that we already know.

Thank you. Vielen Dank!👋

Wednesday 30 September 2020


 My goal My ambition

What the meaning of "Goals" and "Ambition" 

Goals can have a variety of descriptions including; success, distinction, or achievement.
Ambition,” on the other hand, refers to the determination in reaching a goal or any of its relative terms.

My goals My ambition

my goal is to become an architect or designer, because I really like to design or make something I like. But when I was young now I wanted to be more active in studying and enter the faculty that I wanted. So far, what I've been doing to achieve my goal is drawing and coloring frequently

Tuesday 21 July 2020


Name : Adelya Shalsa Putri (01)

jihyo : Hello dahyun!
dahyun : Hai jihyo!
jihyo : Where are you going , hyun?
dahyun : I want to go to buy clothes for the race on August 17th.
jihyo : Really? me too!
dahyun : What song will you dance?
jihyo : I'm going to dance du du du from blackpink
dahyun : Really? it looks like you are fit to dance the song How You Like That
jihyo : Hmm i think so , but How You Like That is very difficult , i can't . . .
dahyun : Well, you are also suitable to dance du du du song
jihyo : Then, how about we buy clothes at the tzuyu boutique?
dahyun : That's good!

Red : Suggest
Purple : Offer

Monday 16 March 2020

Sunday 8 March 2020

Asia Africa Conference was a meeting of Asian and African states, most of which were newly independent, which took place on 18–24 April 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia. The 29 countries that participated represented a total population of 1.5 billion people, 54% of the world's population. The conference was organised by Indonesia, Burma (Myanmar), Pakistan, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and India and was coordinated by Ruslan Abdulgani, secretary general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of the Indonesia.

This event started from 23 August 1953 when Ali Sostroamidjojo proposed the need for cooperation between countries in Asia and Africa. Second, 25 April-2 May 1954, there was a Colombo Conference in Sri Lanka where Indonesia give an advice to issued Asia Africa Conference. Third, 28-29 December 1954, there was a second conference in Bogor to prepare the Asia Africa Conference until mature. Fourth, there was an Informal Preliminary Meeting in 17 April 1955. And the last, 18-24 April 1955 was a rel Asia Africa Conference.

The conference's stated aims were to promote Afro-Asian economic and cultural cooperation and to oppose colonialism or neocolonialism by any nation. The conference was an important step towards the eventual creation of the Non-aligned Movement. India and the People of RRC sought to claim the leadership of the emerging Asian–African nations; Chinese Premier and Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai was the political personality that most impressed delegates, along with the host of the conference, Indonesian President Soekarno.

The pioneers of this conference were Ali Sostroamidjojo from Indonesia, Jawaharlal Nehru from India, Moh. Ali Bogra from Pakistan, Sir John Kotelawala from Ceylon, and U Nu from Burma. The result of this conference is Dasasila Bandung.

Dasasila Bandung:

1. Respect for fundamental human rights and for the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

2. Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.

3. Recognition of the equality of all races and nations large and small.

4. Abstention from intervention or interference in the internal affairs of another country.

5. Respect for the right of each nation to defend itself singly or collectively, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations.

6. Abstention from the use of arrangements of collective defense to serve the particular interests of any of the big powers, abstention by any country from exerting pressure on other countries.

7. Refraining from acts or threats of aggression or the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any country.

8. Settlement of all international disputes through peaceful means, such as negotiation, conciliation, arbitration, or judicial settlement as well as other peaceful means of the parties' own choice in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations.

9. Promotion of mutual interests and cooperation.

10.Respect for justice and international

Infographic English
— Adelya Shalsa Putri (O1)
— Surwangi Resti Anggun Saputri (29)

Monday 24 February 2020


are you okay? hmm im not sure .  .  .

but, please forgive us..

kami, ips 1, akan belajar dari pengalaman, dan akan terbuka jika ada apa apa..

kami minta maaf yaa miss yang sebesar besarnya, miss jangan bencii kamii...

karena kami sayang miss ! ilyyyyy

                                                            —IPS 1